Dr. Stefan Bräger
2013 - 2018 | Scientific Affairs Officer im Sekretariat der International Seabed Authority in Kingston/Jamaika |
seit 2013 | Assoziierter Wissenschaftler am Deutschen Meeresmuseum |
2005 - 2013 | Wissenschaftler für Meeressäugetiere am Deutschen Meeresmuseum |
1998 - 1999 | Dissertation an der University of Otago (Dept. of Marine Science) in Dunedin/Neuseeland zu Verhaltensökologie und Populationsdynamik des Hektor-Delphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori) |
1985 - 1992 | Studium der Biologie an der Universität Kiel mit Diplomarbeit über Vergesellschaftungsmuster und Ortstreue beim Großen Tümmler (Tursiops truncatus) |
Verhaltensökologie und Populationsdynamik aquatischer Wirbeltiere
Einfluss von Wanderverhalten und Habitatwahl auf Reproduktionserfolg (fitness) und Populationsverknüpfung (connectivity)
Schutz bedrohter Arten und Effizienz von Meeresschutzgebieten gegen menschliche Einflüsse
Peer reviewed
Bräger S (2020) The significance of the harbour porpoise for ASCOBANS and vice versa. Pages 264-267 in: European Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises (by P.G.H. Evans, ed.), Academic Press/Elsevier, London & San Diego.
Haynes-Sutton A, Hay B, Sutton R, Bräger S (2020) Site-fidelity of the Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis) and the Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) in Jamaican mangroves: Comparing banding data from a migrant and a resident species. Ornitología Neotropical 31: 64-70.
Bräger S (2019) Neues Aktionsfeld des Naturschutzes: Jenseits des Horizonts – die Tiefsee. Betrifft: Natur 24, (4): 8-10
Bräger S, Bräger Z (2019) Movement patterns of odontocetes through space and time. Pages 117-144 in: Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Odontocetes (by B. Würsig, ed.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG; online
Bräger S, Romero Rodriguez GQ, Mulsow S (2018) The current status of environmental requirements for deep seabed mining issued by the International Seabed Authority. Marine Policy online
Bräger S (2018) Short-term fluctuations and long-term changes in the use of a tropical water reservoir by resident and migratory waterbirds in Jamaica. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 31: 6–11.
Bräger S, Bräger Z (2018): Range utilization and movement patterns of coastal Hector’s dolphins (Cephalorhynchus hectori). Aquatic Mammals 44: 633-642.
Vermeulen E, Balbiano A, Belenguer F, Colombil D, Failla M, Intrieri E, Bräger S (2017): Site-fidelity and movement patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in central Argentina: essential information for effective conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27: 282-292.
Schaffeld T, Bräger S, Gallus A, Dähne M, Krügel K, Herrmann A, Jabbusch M, Ruf T, Verfuß UK, Benke H, Koblitz JC (2016): Diel and seasonal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging behaviour of free-ranging harbour porpoises. Marine Ecology Progress Series 547: 257-272.
Vermeulen E, Bräger S (2015): Demographics of the disappearing bottlenose dolphin in Argentina: A common species on its way out? PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119182.
Bräger S, Kopcsányi T, Bräger Z (2014): First sightings of living Cuvier´s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) in Albanian waters. Marine Biodiversity 44: 553-557.
Benke H, Bräger S, Dähne M, Gallus A, Hansen S, Honnef CG, Jabbusch M, Koblitz JC, Krügel K, Liebschner A, Narberhaus I, Verfuß UK (2014) Baltic Sea harbour porpoise populations: Status and conservation needs derived from recent survey results. Marine Ecology Progress Series 495: 275-290.
Bräger S, von Tschirnhaus M (2013) Phenology, population trend, biometry and ectoparasites of Savi’s Warblers (Locustella luscinioides) in northern Germany: Results of a long-term ringing study. Vogelwarte 51: 97-108. (in German with English summary)
Härkönen T, Galatius A, Bräger S, Karlsson O, Ahola M (2013) Population growth rate, abundance and distribution of marine mammals. HELCOM Core Indicator of Biodiversity. HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland. 34 pp.
Korpinen S, Bräger S (2013) Number of drowned mammals and waterbirds in fishing gear. HELCOM Core Indicator of Biodiversity. HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland. 22 pp.
Krasheninnikova A, Bräger S, Wanker R (2013) Means-end comprehension in four parrot species: explained by social complexity. Animal Cognition 16: 755-764.
Gallus A, Dähne M, Verfuß UK, Bräger S, Adler S, Siebert U, Benke H (2012) Assessing the status of the critically endangered Baltic harbour porpoise using static passive acoustic monitoring. Endangered Species Research 18: 265-278.
Gormley AM, Slooten E, Dawson S, Barker RJ, Rayment W, du Fresne S, Bräger S (2012) First evidence that marine protected areas can work for marine mammals. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 474-480.
Bräger S (2011) Predators of the North – Ringed seals in the Baltic. Meer und Museum 23: 251-256. (in German with English summary)
Bräger S (2011) The Baltic harbour porpoise and its need for protection. Meer und Museum 23: 153-162. (in German with English summary)
Heinrich S, Elwen S, Bräger S (2009) Patterns of sympatry in Lagenorhynchus and Cephalorhynchus: Dolphins in different habitats. Pages 313-332 in: The Dusky Dolphin – Master Acrobats Off Different Shores (by B. Würsig & M. Würsig, eds.), Associated Press, London & San Diego.
Rayment W, Dawson SM, Slooten E, Bräger S, du Fresne S, Webster T (2009) Kernel density estimates of alongshore home range of Hector’s dolphins at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 25: 537-556.
Bräger S, Zweifel UL (2009) 6.8 Noise Pollution. Pages 125-128 in: Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 116B. HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland.
Verfuß UK, Bräger S, Dähne M, Benke H (2009) 4.1 Harbour porpoise. Pages 60-66 in: Biodiversity in the Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings 116B. HELCOM, Helsinki, Finland.
Bräger S, Schall O (2008) Fortschritte und Defizite im Kleinwalschutz – Beratender Ausschuss von ASCOBANS tagt in Bonn. Umwelt 6/2008: 320-322.
Krause JC, von Nordheim H, Bräger S (eds, 2007) Marine Nature Conservation in Europe 2006 – Proceedings of the Symposium, May 2006. BfN-Skripten 193, Bonn. 274 p.
Bräger S (2006) Aktivitäten zum Schutz der Kleinwale in Nord- und Ostsee unter dem ASCOBANS-Abkommen. Meeresnaturschutz (BSH-Symposium) 15: 131-134.
Heubeck M, Camphuysen KCJ, Bao R, Humple D, Sandoval Rey A, Cadiou B, Bräger S, Thomas T (2003) Assessing the impact of major oil spills on seabird populations. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 900-902.
Gormley A, Dawson S, Slooten E, Bräger S (2005) Capture-recapture estimates of Hector's dolphin abundance at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Marine Mammal Science 21: 204-216.
Bräger S (2004) Site fidelity and polygyny in the Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) – indications from ringing in eastern Holstein. Corax 19: 331-334. (in German with English summary)
Bräger S, Harraway JA, Manly BFJ (2003) Habitat selection in a coastal dolphin species (Cephalorhynchus hectori). Marine Biology 143: 233-244.
Ludwichowski I, Bräger S (2003) Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis) breeding in Germany: Origins and exchange with other breeding populations. Corax 19: 225-226. (in German with English summary)
Bräger S, Dawson SM, Slooten E, Smith S, Stone GS, Yoshinaga A (2002) Site fidelity and along-shore range in Hector's dolphin, an endangered marine dolphin from New Zealand. Biological Conservation 108: 281-287.
Ludwichowski I, Barker R, Bräger S (2002) Nesting area fidelity and survival of female Common Goldeneyes Bucephala clangula: are they density-dependent? Ibis 144: 452-460.
Bräger S (2001) Body mass dynamics of migratory Reed Warblers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) at a lake in northern Germany. Vogelwarte 41: 109-118. (in German with English summary)
Bräger S, Chong A, Dawson S, Slooten E, Würsig B (1999) A combined stereo-photogrammetry and underwater-video system to study group composition of dolphins. Helgoland Marine Research 53: 122-128.
Bräger S (1999) Association patterns in three populations of Hector's dolphins Cephalorhynchus hectori. Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: 13-18.
Bräger S, Stanley S (1999) Near-shore distribution and seasonal abundance of White-flippered Penguins (Eudyptula minor albosignata) at Banks Peninsula, New Zealand. Notornis 46: 365-372.
Bräger S, Chong A (1999) An application of close range photogrammetry in dolphin studies. Photogrammetric Record 16(93): 503-517.
Bejder L, Fletcher D, Bräger S (1998) A method for testing association patterns of social animals. Animal Behaviour 56: 719-725.
Bräger S (1998) Feeding associations between White-fronted terns and Hector's dolphins in New Zealand. Condor 100: 560-562.
Bräger S, Schneider K (1998) Near-shore distribution and abundance of dolphins along the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 32: 105-112.
Bräger S, Würsig B, Acevedo A, Henningsen T (1994) Association patterns of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in Galveston Bay, Texas. Journal of Mammalogy 75: 431-437.
Bräger S (1993) Diurnal and seasonal behavior patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Marine Mammal Science 9: 434-438.
American Ornithological Society
American Society of Mammalogists
Association for Field Ornithology
Ornithologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schleswig-Holstein
Society for Marine Mammalogy
Waterbird Society
Animal Behaviour
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Aquatic Mammals
Ciencias Marinas
Endangered Species Research
Journal of Animal Ecology
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity
Journal of Mammalogy
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK
Marine Mammal Science
Meer und Museum
NZ Department of Conservation Research Bulletin
NZ Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing