Museum locations

Ocean Museum Germany– explore the oceans in a museum

The sea has fascinated humans ever since. The Ocean Museum Germany has committed itself to making this fascination come alive. Four museum locations let the visitor experience completely different underwater worlds.



OZEANEUM Stralsund
Hafenstraße 11
18439 Stralsund

An underwater journey through the northern seas – unique in Europe

The OZEANEUM on Stralsund harbour island is the fourth and newest location of the Ocean Museum Germany. Since July 2008, the museum with its exhibitions and aquariums has been inviting visitors on an exciting journey through the underwater world. Behind the spectacular architecture with a facade of white ship steel, visitors experience the fascinating exhibition about whales with replicas of the sea giants in original size.

Other highlights of the tour include an adventure exhibition for children, a spacious penguin enclosure on the roof terrace and Europe's largest Baltic Sea exhibition. The largest aquarium holds 2.6 million litres of water and its 50 m² panoramic window offers a view of shoals of fish, rays and even sharks. The OZEANEUM combines five scientific exhibitions with 50 breathtaking, partly huge aquariums. The museum received the "Europe Museum of the Year 2010" award for this.

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Katharinenberg 14 – 20
18439 Stralsund

Tropical seas behind convent walls

The MEERESMUSEUM will probably remain closed until summer 2024 for extensive modernisation work.

The plans include floor-to-ceiling exhibits, marine animal displays, a large aquarium with a reef, a digital globe highlighting topics related to oceanography, and a new design for the main foyer. The aquariums in the historic vaulted cellar of the monastery will be restructured to provide visitors the opportunity to travel through the warm seas of our planet.

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Darßer Ort 1 – 3
18375 Born am Darß

To the lighthouse and back through the Darß Forest

NATUREUM is located in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park (Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft) not far from the Darßer Ort lighthouse, near Prerow. It has been a natural history museum since 1991 and houses exhibitions on the Darßer Ort natural region, the Baltic coast and local animals as shown in the “Darß Forest by night” scenario featuring twilight-active forest dwellers. Baltic Sea aquaria, the beach and dune garden, the wetland ecosystem and the accessible lighthouse are surely worth a visit and compensate for the little journey through the Darß Forest because NATUREUM is only reachable on foot, by bike or horse-drawn carriage.

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NAUTINEUM Dänholm Stralsund
Zum kleinen Dänholm
18439 Stralsund

Witnesses of ocean research

The Ocean Museum Germany has been operating the NAUTINEUM on the small island of Dänholm near Stralsund since 1999. The collection site serves as a depot for numerous original exhibits from fisheries and marine research. The NAUTINEUM is also equipped with rooms for scientific investigations and the conservation of dead marine animals.

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